
Donation Form

Thank you for your support of the Sheriff's Foundation of York County. People like you help us make a significant and lasting contribution to the quality of life in York County. All donations will be acknowledged with a thank you note from the foundation and a receipt for tax purposes.

To make a contribution, please complete the form below, click Submit at the bottom of the form, select your method of payment and submit your payment information.

Mailing Address:*
Email Address:*
 Please add me to your contact list for future announcements
 Please recognize this as an anonymous gift in your donor listings
Honor/Memorial Gifts: If you are making a donation in someone's honor/memory, and would like him/her or a family member to receive a letter of acknowledgement, please include their information below:
Address of Person to Receive Acknowledgement:
Please click Submit button below and proceed to online payment options.Thank you for your donation.